
Before you start


For each request on this page you need to add identication data. More information about this can be found in Identification / access chapter.

Find episode ID or create episode

Search for an existing episode with this ICPC or create a new one with the standard ICPC title.

If an episode title is provided AND there is no episode with the same ICPC yet then the new episode with this title will be created.

You will receive the ID of the (created) episode.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Method": "ZoekOfMaakEpisodeId",
  "patientId": 123456,
  "episodeICPC": "A01",
  "episodeTitel": "Acute bronchitis"


When the medical file already contains an episode the episodeTitel will not be updated in case you send a changed episode title (episodeTitel).


  • patientId: ID of the patient.

  • episodeICPC: The ICPC-code of the episode.

  • episodeTitel: Title of the episode. In case you do not add the episodeTitel the default text is used.


  "episodeId": 101979,
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "OK",
    "Gelukt": true
  • episodeId: The ID of the episode.

Add document to journal/medical file

Add a document (PDF, jpeg, etc.) to the patients medical file. Optionally, the username of the employee can be provided, otherwise the entry in the medical file will be created by “Extern”.

You will receive the ID of the stored contact.


   "Name": "{{name}}",
   "Key": "{{key}}",
   "Target": "{{target}}",
   "Method": "NieuwBestand",
   "patientId": 157376,
   "bestandsNaam": "bestand.pdf",
   "bestand": "ZGl0IGlzIGVlbiB2b29yYmVlbGQ=",
   "samenvatting": "Een korte samenvatting van de inhoud van het bestand",
   "episodeId": 101979,
   "medewerkerAgbOfNaam": "medewerker1"


  • patientId: ID of the patient.

  • bestandsNaam: Name of the file.

  • bestand: Base64 encoded string of the file.

  • samenvatting: Short summary of the content of the file.

  • episodeId: (optional) The episode ID.

  • medewerkerAgbOfNaam: (optional) Name or AGB-code of the employee.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<His_VoegJournaalToe_Verzoek xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Id="-1000">
  <Identificatie xsi:type="OZB_Communicatie_Identificatie_Servertoken" Id="-1001">
    <Token>[server token]</Token>
  <OntvangerEntiteit>[practice code]</OntvangerEntiteit>
  <ContactId>[contact ID]</ContactId>
  <Journaal Id="-1000">
      <His_Contact Id="-1000">
          <HIS_Deelcontact Id="-1000">
              <His_Deelcontactregel xsi:type="His_CorrespondentieUit" Id="-1000">
                <Samenvatting>[summary of document]</Samenvatting>
                <Document Id="-1000">
                    <OZB_Deeldocument Id="-1000">
                      <BestandBase64>[base64 encoded file content]</BestandBase64>


  "contactId": 1444300,
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "Toegevoegd. Contactid: 1444300",
    "Gelukt": true


  • contactId: The ID of the contact.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<His_VoegJournaalToe_Antwoord xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" Id="-1002">
  <StatusTekst />

Add contact to journal/medical file

Add SOEPstatus lines to the medical file.

You can add an ICPC for the E-line.

When episodeICPC contains a value the contact will be linked to an existing episode with the same ICPC, or a new episode will be created.

When episodeTitel contains a value AND when episode doesn’t exists yet with the same ICPC a new episode will be created with the given title.

Optionally, the username of the employee can be provided, otherwise the entry in the medical file will be created by “Extern”.

You will receive the ID of the stored contact.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Method": "NieuwDeelcontact",
  "s": "subjectieve informatie",
  "o": "objectieve informatie",
  "e": "evaluatie",
  "p": "plan",
  "episodeICPC": "ICPC code episode",
  "episodeTitel": "titel van de episode",
  "icpcE": "ICPC code",
  "patientId": 123456,
  "medewerkerAgbOfNaam": "medewerker1",
  "contactType": "Consult",
  "tijdstip": "2020-11-17T00:00:00"


  • patientId: ID of the patient.

  • s: Subjective information given by the patient.

  • o: Objective information received by the care professional.

  • e: Evaluation of the current situation.

  • p: Plan or action that needs to be taken.

  • icpcE: ICPC-code to be used for the E-regel.

  • episodeICPC: ICPC-code of the episode.

  • episodeTitel: Title/description of the episode.

  • medewerkerAgbOfNaam: (Optional) name or the AGB-code of the employee.

  • contactType: (Optional) contact type options:








    Consult by phone call


    (Received) communication


    View medical file

  • tijdstip: (Optional) custom DateTime of the contact


  "contactId": 1447934,
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "Toegevoegd. Contactid: 1447934",
    "Gelukt": true

contactId: The ID of the contact.

Get episodes

Get all episodes of the logged in patient.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetEpisoden"


  "episoden": [
      "Id": 98912,
      "ICPC": "",
      "ICPCTitel": "Gegeneraliseerde pijn",
      "Titel": "Episode zonder ICPC",
      "Start": "2020-12-02T00:00:00",
      "Eind": "2022-11-02T00:00:00",
      "EersteContactDatum": "2020-11-17T00:00:00",
      "LaatsteContactDatum": "2020-11-17T00:00:00",
      "IsGesloten": false,
      "IsAttentie": false
      "Id": 101979,
      "ICPC": "A01.00",
      "ICPCTitel": "Gegeneraliseerde pijn",
      "Titel": "Gegeneraliseerde pijn",
      "Start": "2022-12-16T00:00:00",
      "Eind": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "EersteContactDatum": "2023-06-01T08:00:18",
      "LaatsteContactDatum": "2023-06-01T08:00:18",
      "IsGesloten": false,
      "IsAttentie": false
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "OK",
    "Gelukt": true

Get allergies

Get allergies of the logged in patient.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetAllergieen"


  "stofAllergieen": [
      "Id": 21962,
      "PatientId": 157376,
      "GNNKPK": "64246",
      "GNSTAM": "64246",
      "StofOmschrijving": "Amoxicilline",
      "ExtraOmschrijving": "",
      "Toedieningsweg": "",
      "ToedieningswegGPKTWG": ""
  "groepAllergieen": [
      "Id": 69953,
      "PatientId": 157376,
      "GroepOmschrijving": "PENICILLINES",
      "ExtraOmschrijving": "",
      "Toedieningsweg": "",
      "ToedieningswegGPKTWG": "",
      "TSITNR": "35"
  "productAllergieen": [
      "Id": 21961,
      "PatientId": 157376,
      "GPKode": 65722,
      "ProductOmschrijving": "FENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINE",
      "ExtraOmschrijving": "Forse reactie op FENOXYMETHYLPENICILLINE TEVA CAPSULE 250MG"
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "OK",
    "Gelukt": true

Get contra indications

Get contra indications of the logged in patient.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetContraindicaties"


  "contraindicaties": [
      "Id": 10195,
      "Tekst": "DIABETES MELLITUS",
      "THITNR": "190"
      "Id": 12132,
      "THITNR": "137"
      "Id": 14848,
      "Tekst": "ASTMA",
      "THITNR": "1347"
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "OK",
    "Gelukt": true

Get interventions and treatments

Get interventions and treatments (ingrepen en behandelingen) of the logged in patient.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetIngrepen"


  "ingrepen": [
      "Id": 1018,
      "Omschrijving": "aanmeten van conventionele prothese voor extremiteit",
      "Rubriek": 68,
      "Subrubriek": 11
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "OK",
    "Gelukt": true

Get prophylaxis and precautions

Get prophylaxis and precautions (profylaxe en voorzorg) of the logged in patient.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetProfylaxen"


  "profylaxen": [
      "Id": 8,
      "Omschrijving": "Trombose profylaxe",
      "Toelichting": "Ontraad bij vrouwen die een VTE hebben gehad het gebruik van de combinatiepil, hormoonpleister, vaginale hormoonring en prikpil. Overweeg een hormoon- of koperspiraal of de pil met alleen progestageen. Adviseer patienten met een hoog risico op DVT (eerdere DVT-episode, stollingsstoornissen, ernstige obesitas, maligniteit binnen 2 jaar voorafgaand, uitgebreide varicose) die langer dan 4 uur (vlieg-)reizen om tijdens de reis steunkousen (enkeldruk 15 tot 30 mmHg) te dragen, frequent kuitspieroefeningen te doen, regelmatig te lopen en tijdens de vlucht veel te drinken; overweeg een eenmalige hoge dosis enoxoparine (1 mg/kg = 1000 IU/10 kg) 2 tot 4 uur voor de vlucht (Bron: NHG-Standaard Diepveneuze trombose en longembolie 2017)"
  "ReturnValue": {
    "ResponseCode": 200,
    "ResponseText": "OK",
    "Melding": "OK",
    "Gelukt": true

Get journal contacts

Get journal contacts of the logged in patient.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetContacten"


    "contacten": [
            "Id": 1505792,
            "Datum": "2020-06-11T09:00:00",
            "Type": "Communicatie",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 1770927,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 3047321,
                            "Letter": "X",
                            "RegelType": "Correspondentie",
                            "Tekst": "In:  (geen samenvatting)"
            "Id": 1161026,
            "Datum": "2020-06-21T00:00:00",
            "Type": "Consult",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2295953,
                            "Letter": "E",
                            "RegelType": "Diagnose",
                            "Tekst": "Ritmestoornis."
                            "Id": 2295954,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
                            "Tekst": "Naar SEH."
            "Id": 1161025,
            "Datum": "2020-06-22T00:00:00",
            "Type": "Consult",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2295946,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
                            "Tekst": "Na vakantie nogmaals."
            "Id": 1161024,
            "Datum": "2020-06-23T00:00:00",
            "Type": "Consult",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2295942,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
                            "Tekst": "Over paar weken RR thuis. "
            "Id": 1161023,
            "Datum": "2020-06-24T00:00:00",
            "Type": "Consult",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2295937,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
                            "Tekst": "Echo."
            "Id": 1161021,
            "Datum": "2020-06-26T00:00:00",
            "Type": "Consult",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2295928,
                            "Letter": "E",
                            "Tekst": "astma"
                            "Id": 2295929,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
                            "Tekst": "Salbutamol half uur voor het sporten"
                            "Id": 2295930,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "Medicatie",
                            "Tekst": "Med: SALBUTAMOL 100UG/DO AEROSOL. ;2 inhalaties half uur voor het sporten"
            "Id": 1161166,
            "Datum": "2020-08-05T13:21:13",
            "Type": "E-consult",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2296115,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
                            "Tekst": "een berichtje van de dokter"
            "Id": 1161174,
            "Datum": "2020-08-11T11:36:02",
            "Type": "Telefonisch",
            "Deelcontacten": [
                    "Id": 0,
                    "EpisodeId": 0,
                    "Regels": [
                            "Id": 2296143,
                            "Letter": "P",
                            "RegelType": "Medicatie",
                            "Tekst": "[Wacht op goedkeuring] Med: PANTOPRAZOL TABLET MSR 40MG. 2 maal per dag 1 tablet"
    "ReturnValue": {
        "ResponseCode": 200,
        "ResponseText": "OK",
        "Melding": "OK",
        "Gelukt": true
  • Type: Consult type

  • RegelType: Journal line options:
    • Correspondentie: Correspondence

    • Diagnose: Diagnose

    • FinancieelRegel: Financial/declaration line

    • Medicatie: Medication

    • Meting: Measurement

    • Overig: Other

    • Ruiter: Ruiter

    • VrijeRegel: Free text line

Get journal files: all files of contact

When the journal contains files they can be retrieved based on the ID of the “Deelcontact”. Contacts that contain documents can be detected based on the RegelType with the value Correspondentie.

We’re talking about the following data element:

   "Id": 1505792,
   "Datum": "2020-06-11T09:00:00",
   "Type": "Communicatie",
   "Deelcontacten": [
         "Id": 0,
         "EpisodeId": 1770927,
         "Regels": [
               "Id": 2933884,
               "Letter": "X",
               "RegelType": "Correspondentie",
               "Tekst": "In: (geen derde) Onderzoek: CR-Thorax: Geen duidelijke longafwijkingen.\n\n"

With the id (2933884 in the example above) of the contact it is possible to get the document(s) with the help of the following request.


  "Name": "{{name}}",
  "Key": "{{key}}",
  "Target": "{{target}}",
  "Session": "{{session}}",
  "Method": "GetJournaalregel",
  "id": 2933884


The response can contain one or more files. In case there are multiple files it is also possible to get file by file, more information can be found in Get journal files: individual file of contact.

    "regel": {
        "Id": 2933884,
        "Letter": "",
        "Tekst": "In: (geen derde) Onderzoek: CR-Thorax: Geen duidelijke longafwijkingen.\n\n",
        "Document": {
            "Bestanden": [
                    "FileName": "bericht2933884.html",
                    "ContentType": "application/octet-stream",
                    "File": "base-64-file",
                    "Path": null,
                    "DateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
    "ReturnValue": {
        "ResponseCode": 200,
        "ResponseText": "OK",
        "Melding": "OK",
        "Gelukt": true

Get journal files: individual file of contact

When the journal contains files they can be retrieved individually based on the ID of the “Deelcontact” and the name of the file.

Contacts that contain documents can be detected based on the RegelType with the value Correspondentie.

We’re talking about the following data element:

   "Datum": "2020-06-11T09:00:00",
   "Deelcontacten": [
         "EpisodeId": 1790095,
         "Id": 0,
         "Regels": [
               "Document": {
                   "Bestanden": [
                         "ContentType": "application/pdf",
                         "DateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                         "File": "",
                         "FileName": "doc_36461102,8448.pdf",
                         "Path": "2024\\oktober\\23\\doc_36461102,8448.pdf"
               "Id": 3094292,
               "Letter": "X",
               "RegelType": "Correspondentie",
               "Tekst": "In:  (geen samenvatting)"
               "Document": null,
               "Id": 3094293,
               "Letter": "P",
               "RegelType": "VrijeRegel",
               "Tekst": "Example."
   "Id": 1505792,
   "Type": "Communicatie"

With the id (3094292 in the example above) of the contact it is possible to get the document with the help of the following request.


   "Name": "{{name}}",
   "Key": "{{key}}",
   "Target": "{{target}}",
   "Session": "{{session}}",
   "Method": "GetJournaalregelBestand",
   "id": 3094292,
   "naam": "doc_36461102,8448.pdf"
  • id: ID of the Regels within Deelcontacten that contain the “files”

  • naam: Name of the document to download


   "bestand": {
     "ContentType": "application/pdf",
     "DateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
     "File": "base-64-encoded-file",
     "FileName": "doc_36461102,8448.pdf",
     "Path": null
   "ReturnValue": {
     "Gelukt": true,
     "Melding": "OK",
     "ResponseCode": 200,
     "ResponseText": "OK"

Last update: 13-01-2025 14:43