Journal (add data)

Before you start

To access this API method you need to be logged in to the Bricks Switchboard. Each request needs to contain:

Server token needed

To send the request to the API a server token is needed.

  <Identificatie xsi:type="OZB_Communicatie_Identificatie_Servertoken" Id="-1001">
    <Token>[server token]</Token>

The practice code be found in the setup documentation.

Practice code needed

To successfully store data in Bricks Huisarts using the API you need to add a <OntvangerEntiteit /> to the request.

  <Identificatie />
  <OntvangerEntiteit>[practice code]</OntvangerEntiteit>

The practice code be found in the setup documentation. In case you know the practice AGB-code this can also be used to send the request to the corresponding practice.


You can add data to the patient journal with the following request:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<His_VoegJournaalToe_Verzoek xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Id="-1000">
  <Identificatie xsi:type="OZB_Communicatie_Identificatie_Servertoken" Id="-1001">
    <Token>[server token]</Token>
  <OntvangerEntiteit>[practice code]</OntvangerEntiteit>
  <ContactId>[contact ID]</ContactId>
  <Journaal Id="-1000">
      <His_Contact Id="-1000">
          <HIS_Deelcontact Id="-1000">
              <His_Deelcontactregel xsi:type="His_CorrespondentieUit" Id="-1000">
                <Samenvatting>[summary of document]</Samenvatting>
                <Document Id="-1000">
                    <OZB_Deeldocument Id="-1000">
                      <BestandBase64>[base64 encoded file content]</BestandBase64>

Add document to the patient journal

The following data needs to be added to the XML to add a document to the journal of a patient:



<ContactId />

The contact where the document will be visible. The ContactId is received by initial request to external protal.

<Samenvatting />

Summary of the document.

<BestandBase64 />

Base64 encoded string of document content.

<BestandsNaam />

Filename with the correct document extension.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<His_VoegJournaalToe_Antwoord xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" Id="-1002">
  <StatusTekst />

Last update: 28-01-2025 13:33