Lab results and specialist letters

Before your start

To access this API (method) you need to be logged in to the Bricks Switchboard. Each request needs to contain:

<Identificatie xsi:type="OZB_Communicatie_Identificatie_GebruikerSessie" Id="-1001">
  <Sessie>[current session id]</Sessie>

When you have a server token to access the API method this identification looks like this:

<Identificatie xsi:type="OZB_Communicatie_Identificatie_Servertoken" Id="-1001">
  <Token>[token id]</Token>

Practice code needed

To successfully store data in Bricks Huisarts using the API you need to add a <OntvangerEntiteit /> to the request.

  <Identificatie />
  <OntvangerEntiteit>[practice code]</OntvangerEntiteit>

The practice code be found in the setup documentation. In case you know the practice AGB-code this can also be used to send the request to the corresponding practice.


To get a list of all lab results:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Tetra_Portal_GetMedeur_Verzoek xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Id="-1000">
  <Identificatie xsi:type="OZB_Communicatie_Identificatie_GebruikerSessie" Id="-1001">
  <OntvangerEntiteit>[practice code]</OntvangerEntiteit>



<PatientId />

The ID of the patient for retrieving the lab results (optional)

<MaximumDagen />

Limit the result list by the number of days.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Tetra_Portal_GetMedeur_Antwoord xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Id="-1000">
    <Tetra_Portal_MedLab Id="-1000">
        <His_Uitslag xsi:type="His_Uitslag_Numeriek" Id="348389">
          <MetingOmschrijving>Bezinking (BSE)</MetingOmschrijving>
          <Opmerking />
        <His_Uitslag xsi:type="His_Uitslag_Numeriek" Id="348267">
          <MetingOmschrijving>Cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio</MetingOmschrijving>
          <Opmerking />

    <Tetra_Portal_MedVrij Id="-1000">
      <Tekst>This is the text of message 1</Tekst>
    <Tetra_Portal_MedVrij Id="-1000">
      <Tekst>This is the text of message 2</Tekst>


<His_Uitslag xsi:type="His_Uitslag_Numeriek" Id="348401">
  <MetingOmschrijving>C-reactive proteïne (CRP)</MetingOmschrijving>
  <Opmerking />


<MedLabs /> messages


Indicates a value that is not between normal boundaries

Numeric values

Each value is multiplied by 1000 to prevent cultural problems, please divide before showing

<MetingOmschrijving />

Is the description, for example: C-reactive proteïne (CRP)

<MedVrij /> messages

For the MedVrij messages, just the <Tekst /> needs to be shown together with the remarks by the doctor (<OpmerkingenArts />).

Last update: 28-01-2025 13:33